Monday, October 22, 2007

Baby Dedication

Yesterday’s service will forever mark my life. Why? Not only was Sunday’s service the last church service at Irving Bible Church in Irving, TX, but also Nicole and I dedicated Claire back to the Lord. As we stood on the stage in front of the congregation and Pastor Andy McQuitty spoke about the tremendous responsibility of rearing a child, I felt the enormous challenge and duty as a parent. This commitment was no mere confession before the church but a vow before almighty God that we would faithfully carry out responsibility as parents. Though I tried to listen to the pastor’s charge to the parents when he directed a few questions to us, I was totally distracted by the sounds coming from my daughter’s lips. It was quite humorous if you could picture it. Here we are in this momentous ceremony and the pastor asks the parents the following question: “Parents, by coming forward before God and his people, do you hereby declare your desire to dedicate yourselves and your son or daughter to the Lord? If so, please respond by saying ‘we do.’” No sooner did the pastor finish his charge my daughter decided to stick out her tongue and blow a raspberry. Quite the charm! Though several of the parents laughed (including myself), the fathers were soon kneeling with their children offering a prayer for strength and grace in our journey. May God bless all of us who are parents in to carry out our accountability to our children!


Anonymous said...

Don, Call Me. (by the way, this was an excellent post. May God help you know His daily grace to live before Him so that your daughter sees, smells, hears, and is influenced by the Savior.)

Jonathan Moorhead said...

Where you at preacher boy?