Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds

A tool to help you to pray (A.C.T.S.)

A (adoration): Before thinking of anything else, focus on the person of God. Begin your prayer with praise and admiration of our God. Start with some music that reflects the character of God and His goodness. Look at various Psalms that tells us about His love, goodness, faithfulness, holiness, purity, etc.
Here are some examples:
• The Lord is righteous (Ps 11)
• The Lord is strong (Ps 27; 18)
• The Lord is the Creator (Ps 8; 139)
• The Lord is good (Ps 107)
• The Lord is compassionate and gracious (Ps 103; 145)
• The Lord is holy (Ps 99)
• The Lord is forgiving (Ps 32; 103; 130)

C (confession):
T (thanksgiving):
S (supplication or intercession):

• Praise God for His great character!
• Memorize and meditate on a verse or two from the above listed Psalms. Write down the verse(s) on a sticky note. Place the note at a place that you visit often to remind throughout the day.

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